Thursday, August 19, 2010

Loving what I do

The whole family is back:  Miss Piggy, Kermit and Bitty.  The bigger two sit on the street numbers while Bitty sits on the mailbox.  I suspect enough bugs come her way that she doesn't need to hop up where the bigger ones are.  She's still pretty skittish but doesn't run away as much anymore.

I slept most of yesterday and all night last night.  I must have needed it although I'm not perky today by any means.  I'm also not spending any time outdoors which I need to rectify.  Especially where yard work and gardening are concerned.  I plan on taking some walks this weekend.  I need to start walking Professor because he's gotten so chubby that his legs are a bit wobbly under him.  He doesn't overeat especially, but he's not very active just being in the house.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I don't plan on going anywhere except the library to get some drawing books that came in.  My biggest problem with drawing right now is finding something to draw.  There is nothing in the house that I want to draw.  I need to take the camera with me outside and take some pictures of things I'd like to draw but I don't have the right kind of paper to print pictures out on and if I print them on regular paper, they'll look really flat and fuzzy.

Well, I'm off to knit and watch some Midsomer Murders.  My stranding techniques are improving so I'm sticking with the blanket I'm planning.  Knitting is a very spiritual activity for me in many ways.  I feel like I'm not only creating something, I'm connecting with the ancestors in a special way.  It was something my female ancestors (and maybe some male ones) probably did.  I sometimes think that's why I'm so satisfied to be home and not out in the work force, because of that feeling of connection.  I love doing tasks I think my ancestors might have done, working on a level that is both environmental but also thrifty.  I need to get better at it though.  There is always room for improvement, but I really like being a homemaker.  I wonder if in addition to being called to Druidry, I'm also a hedge witch?  I've been pondering that lately.

I love the idea of cooking from scratch but I need to focus on it more.  I love the idea of eating simple, healthy meals, but I just need to be more vigilant about it and not give in to that convenience mind-set.  I love the nice homey tasks, like sewing, knitting, spinning (not so good at that yet) and making things out of other things that might be thrown out otherwise.  I just need to be more ambitious about it and get my butt in gear.

But tonight I'm going to focus on Midsomer Murders so I can get them back to the library so someone else can enjoy them, too.

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