Saturday, October 16, 2010

Beginning preparations

I'm starting my preparations for Samhain (and typing with a cat stretched across my forearms) and trying to absorb as much energy as I can out there.  I'm doing a bit better today and hope that is an upward trend and not an anomaly. 

Lovely Tana sent me a gift of spirit beads that are absolutely wonderful.  Jasper stone and a Goddess symbol.  When she read that I was trying to learn meditation she thought they would help me focus better.  I haven't tried them yet because I have no privacy on the weekends but I look forward to it next week.  I slept with them last night in order to bond with them and really felt some energy from them this morning as I caressed them.  They are living on my altar right now.  I really hope to use them when invoking Awen, which I am ready to begin doing.

Tom is going through pictures looking for some photos of his parents and any grandparents out there.  While looking we found some pictures of my grandfather.  I'm collecting them for my wall of ancestors for Samhain.  I only lack my maternal grandfather's picture now.  I wonder if I can get my mother to send me one without revealing anything.

I can feel something in the air.  I was outdoors last night bringing the cat in and we stood in the yard watching the sky for a while before coming in.  I can feel the veil thinning.  I don't think I'm imagining it at all. 

Tonight though is for spinning and more knitting.  It's Zach's birthday (22nd) and we're taking him out to eat tomorrow night but tonight is for staying home.  And being creative.  I plan on making more God's Eyes this week.  I hope to have pictures of my altar and wall of ancestors, too.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures of your altar. I'll have to take pictures of mine too and we can trade.
